Sunday 7 November 2010


Just looking at different art styles and I came across an artist called Mrzyk & Moriceau ( I guess in my opinion I find her art quite chaotic as it makes no sense and I guess may sometimes confuse the audience. With the images being quite bold and random creates this "chaotic" feel for me.


Here are two images I drew for the word fall. The first one is about falling in love, it is an image of myself and my current partner. And the image below was a quick 5 minute sketch using pen of a man falling from a glass building. I drew the man on separate page and cut him out and made him come out of the actual page, to perceive that he is literally falling out the page.

A page for curiosity

Here are several drawings i drew for curiosity. I thought of having a keyhole, as people tend to look through them to see what is on the other side (which links with the word curiosity). You can see I have cut a large keyhole in the page and you can see to people whispering to each other, which make you think, What are they talking about? Again we create curiosity. Furthermore in my drawing I drew several different keys. I put this into the word curiosity, because sometimes people have a pile of keys and don't actually know what key is for what and this is where curiosity comes in. Lastly people often wonder what might be inside a chest they have never seen or opened and the telescope to for people to look at a distance to see what is around, this again all ties into curiosity.

Monday 1 November 2010

Looking for Chaos

Just randomly looking at images on the internet and I came across a man who had a gun and a high speed camera. He basically shot simple household objects and took a picture of them using his high speed camera. When I saw this, it reminded me of the word "Chaos".

Here's the link:

And here is one of the pictures:

Finding artists that inspire me

Ages ago I have been looking at different concept artists and finding out what I actually like about their work. I have came across an illustrator named Adam Richards. He doesn't seem very well known, but I looked at his concept art for Silent Hill homecoming, and I really loved how he brought out the style of darkness and realism together. I've kind of used his art style to explore the word "curiosity" which was the image of someone looking through a peep hole.

Here is a link to his portfolio work:

And here is one of my favourite images he has drawn: